Monday, October 22, 2007

Why I Love Homeschooling- Reason #3

Playing Hooky to Go Letterboxing

80 degrees in October is not common in New York. Unfortunatedly, Hubby could not take the day off from work even though the Adironack Mountains were calling us to visit.

Instead, we decided to go letterboxing at a beautiful nature walk at a nearby college. We had not been letterboxing in 3 years, so this gave us a great reason in spend the afternoon out. To find out more about letterboxing go to to learn it's history and find out where boxes may be planted near you.

We followed the clues to the box......
The box contained a rubber stamp which we used to stamp the scrapbook we had brought along. We then stamped the little book that was in the box with our own stamp, and left a note stating when we had been there and city and state we are from. It is fun to look at the notes left by others who have visited the box.

We also take a picture for our own scrapbook to remember the day.

We then carefully returned the letterbox to its hiding place.

I think we've been bit again by the letterboxing bug. It is a frugal, family friendly activity that takes you places you would not have necessarily visited. You can also plant your own box.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like geocaching, I'll have to check it out, thanks!
