Friday, December 28, 2007

Show and Tell Friday

It's Show and Tell Friday at Kelli's blog. It looks like everyone is showing some of their Christmas gifts. Here is one that I am enjoying.....

I saw this Dept. 56 house at a gift shop. It is Orchard House from Little Women along with a book and figurines of Marmee and the girls. It was VERY pricey and I could not imagine spending that much money on it no matter how special it would be to me. Then one of my "second generation thrifters" bought it for me on ebay at a very reasonable price, new, and in the box! It makes a lovely display.


  1. Oh! I have seen that one in person and its really a great set! How fun!

  2. How neat!!! I would love this myself.

    Mine's shared, won't you stop by?

  3. What a great gift and treasure for years to come.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. How sweet! I've never seen this one before. I like that you have the book as part of the display. :)

  5. Oh, how sweet! And how wonderful to have found them at good price! Little Women is one of my all time favorite books.

  6. I have never seen this, but it is a favorite book and I even like the movie. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Little Women was one of my favourite books when I was younger.

  8. That is such a neat house! I love the girls too! How nice for you to be able to get it!

    :o) Sharon

  9. How wondeful that your with to get this nice house has come true for Christmas! (Unfortunately, I do not know the book)

    Best wishes from Germany and Happy New Year!


  10. How neat. I love the gifts that you recieve when you know they were thinking of you and something you would enjoy - not just something to get the gift bought and under the tree.


  11. Thank you for commenting on my S&T! We were out of town and I'm just now doing comments. I just love the Little Women house and figurines! I would love one of those too!

    Happy New Year!

