Friday, August 17, 2007

Garage Sale Find

Kelli is hosting Show & Tell Friday. My show and tell may not seem too exciting but my family was delighted this week with my .05 cent garage sale purchase.

It is an ice cube tray that makes ice "tubes" for plastic water bottles.

This may be an item that everyone knows about but one of my daughters commented, "Where has this been all of my life." Simple pleasures!


  1. I've never seen such a thing, but it's a great idea! What a bargain too!

  2. What a great find. I need to find an ice cube tray like that sometime.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. That's very cool! Pun intended! I'm trying to figure out (knowing how ice likes to stick to whatever it's in) how you get the tubes of ice out of the container. Do you just run hot water over it for a bit, or is that blue thing on the bottom a lid that snaps off?

  4. I have seen those. What a deal you found.

  5. Oh, I so need to get those. What a wonderful idea!!!


  6. I've never seen one of those! How clever! I love cold water rather than room temp.

  7. My girls had one of these....thanks for visiting with me ...please come again....Betty

  8. wow! I have never seen them before that is a great idear.

    Thank you for sharing such a terric item I must look out for one now. lol lol lol

    best wishes from Australia.
