Friday, December 28, 2007

Show and Tell Friday

It's Show and Tell Friday at Kelli's blog. It looks like everyone is showing some of their Christmas gifts. Here is one that I am enjoying.....

I saw this Dept. 56 house at a gift shop. It is Orchard House from Little Women along with a book and figurines of Marmee and the girls. It was VERY pricey and I could not imagine spending that much money on it no matter how special it would be to me. Then one of my "second generation thrifters" bought it for me on ebay at a very reasonable price, new, and in the box! It makes a lovely display.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I've been reading, Scaling Down- Living Large in a Smaller Space, by Judi Culbertson and Marj Decker. Although the book was not what I was expecting, it was a very good read. I was expecting the book to give me helps and hints for living in a small space. Instead, the main topic was about scaling down from a large space into a smaller space. I know, the title says that, but I took it in a different direction. The first chapter was very good, especially for this time of year when materialism is at its zenith. The chapter poses thought provoking questions about why our posessions are so important to us. Although not a Christian book, these principles can be easily applied to the Christian life. Many helps were given for decluttering during the different stages of one's life.

All in all, I profited from this book and it was worth the time spent reading it. I also checked it out from the library so no clutter was added to my house! (However, the book is overdue and I will be paying a library fine :(

Friday, December 14, 2007

Ornament Collection

It's Show and Tell Friday at Kelli's Blog.

This week I would like to share my tradition of giving my daughters a Christmas ornament every year to put in their ornament box. This box is for them to take with them some day when they put up their own trees in their own homes. Here is the Little Women for my own little women: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy.

New Work Shoes

For some reason, JC Penny sends me a $10 coupon every year at this time. Not $10 off a $50 purchase. I mean $10. I get this coupon at Mother's Day and Father's Day too. I cannot explain this generosity since I am not a faithful credit card user nor am I a faithful shopper. But I definately enjoy the gift!
Here is my purchase made today.... new work shoes (for the stay-at-home mom)

A Homeschool Funny

This video was sent to me via email. I've never met these people, but I feel like I've known them all my life!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I've Been Bit

...... by the scrapbooking bug!

I know what some of you are saying, "Where have you been? We've been scrappingbooking for years." I have purposely avoided the hobby because of the number of unfinished projects into which I have already invested money.

Then my girls took a scrapbooking class in our homeschool co-op classes. That did it- BIT. The teacher was so good to them and gave them such good ideas and creative helps. I purchased a few items from her and now I'm hooked.

I am enjoying my evenings putting together pages of the yearly Christmas photo. These pictures have been in frames and displayed on the piano every Christmas. I am displaying them now in the scrapbook because the piano is getting far too cluttered (what a blessing!) . I am also working on pages that show our visits to the different lighthouses in Maine.

I am having too much fun during these cold, hibernation evenings. Maybe winter in the north isn't so bad......

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Simpler Time

Abby and I are enjoying spending time with the Moffat family. Every morning we read, The Middle Moffat by Eleanor Estes. It is a refreshing time reading about the typical childhood life of the 1940's. The complications of WWII add to the activity but not robbing the innocence of the Moffat children. We have a particular fondness for the middle child, Jane.

Last year we read The Children of Noisy Village by Astrid Lindgrin. This book was also a fun remembrance of neighborhood life that I remember years ago (although not as many years ago). The chapters about Christmas are particularly charming. As a matter of fact, we may read it again in the next few weeks because it was such a pleasure. You know it is a good read when you look up and your teenagers are sitting around listening too!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Show and Tell Friday

It's Show and Tell Friday at Kelli's blog.

My show and tell is a new magnet I got at Niagara Falls.

We started collecting magnets, as small momentos of vacations, a number of years ago. The children enjoy picking out the magnet that best characterizes our time away. This magnet, although slightly "tacky," shows a picture of our hotel that was overlooking the falls.

We do not put them on the refrigerator but on a magnetic board that hangs in the kitchen. For us, this has been a frugal and uncluttering way to remember our special times as a family.

Here is a picture of our collection thus far:

Where Have You Been?

That is the blogging question. Here is the week in review:
~We helped friends move into their new home.
~The Christmas tree and inside decorations are up.
~We went to a craft fair.
~We had a Mary Kay party to help out a friend who is a new consultant (more like she helped us out)
~Our family spent the evening with another family who are our dear friends and we stayed waaay too long...... I mean embarrassingly long...... I mean "my mother taught me better than that" too long...... I mean we don't stay up that late even on New Year's Eve..... you get the picture.
~We shoveled inches of heavy ice off the driveway.
~We worked on Christmas gifts.
~We actually accomplished homeschooling.
~My Hero took me off to the "big city" to spend some time away.
I am back.