Thursday, March 6, 2008

God's Provisions Through the Salvation Army

Half-price day at the Salvation Army proved to be successful. Visiting the south in two weeks is causing us to evaluate our spring wardrobes, and it's not looking pretty! Here are our finds:

4 shirts for Caroline (short and mid-sleeved)

1 coat for Cindy (Now, this was not needed for spring but a new New York & Co. coat in brown will allow me to retire another coat to which I will not be sad to say goodbye.)

3 blouses for Cindy

4 shirts for Abby

1 long-sleeved cotton dress to get Abby through the cool spring. I can't seem to keep Abby in clothes due to a growing streak

Grand Total: $30.73

(the coat sent me over my normal budget)

The sun is shining today and spring fever has begun.

1 comment:

  1. The weather is beautiful here today, I have spring fever too!
