Wednesday, November 28, 2007

This poem is such an encouragement to me that I have been reading it every day for the past week. It was published on the Ladies Against Feminism site. (I hope I am allowed to post it with plenty of references telling from where it came.)

Words of a Housewife

by Chelsea Peterson

God, I want to do great things for you,
And speak to all the nations!
God replies:
That’s well and good,
But for now
Fix your children’s complications.

Lord, I want to straighten up the world,
Feed the hungry and fulfill someone’s wishes!
God says:
Fine, but for the present,
You need to wash the dishes.

Lord, I want to preach, proclaim your name
And bring salvation to the earth!
God says:
Good! Then teach your children
And preach my name to those you’ve given birth.

At the end of the day,
I think of all I’ve done.
But as I look it seems,
I’ve accomplished nothing for the Son!
God I had no time to witness one on one,
I couldn’t join my church group,
They said I missed out on lots of fun.

My household is the only thing
That managed to be cleaned,
My neighbor is the only one,
Besides my family I could feed.

The only ones I’ve read Your Word
Are those within my home.
God I’ve done so very little
And I feel so all alone!

God says:
I’ve seen the way you cleaned and cooked
And taught your kids My name.
Tomorrow morning at eight o’ clock,
I’ll watch you do the same.

The work you do at home,
Though no one really sees,
Is helping to raise little ones
To grow and worship me.

My ways are not your ways,
I don’t expect you yet to see,
But the precepts that you’ve taught your children,
Will help others bow the knee.
Your children will reach out to others,
Your example in their mind.
They’ll do great work for Me
And their children will respond in kind.

The hand that rules the world,
Also rocks the cradle.
Because of you, your children love Me,
All their hearts are stable.

Though your house is your domain,
Your tasks seem rather plain,
Your efforts will reach the multitudes,
Though from humble work they came.


  1. When God wants a great work done in the wolrd or a great wrong righted, he gets about it in a very unusual way. He doesn't stir up his earthquakes or send forth his thunderbolts. Instead, he has a helpless baby born, perhaps in a simple home and of some obscure mother. And then God puts the idea into the mother's heart, and she puts it into the baby's mind. And then God waits. The greatest forces in the world are not the earthquakes or thunderbolts. The greatest forces in the world are babies.

    --E. T. Sullivan

  2. Hi there,

    I came here by way of Lords of the Manor -- any friend of Jen's is a friend of mine. Then I noticed your Little Women picture at the top, and I got all happy. And then I noticed that you're against feminism, and that you homeschool. You so rock! I will be back!

  3. this is very inspiring poem. i was reminded of the adage: hit at the feet.
    indeed, if we do the basics, little by little we will achieve great things.
