Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lasagna Beds

The first time I heard of lasagna garden beds I thought they had to do with what was planted in the garden: tomatoes, basil, peppers, oregano, etc...  But it actually refers to the way you "layer" the garden.

Here's how it starts......
Our friend Tony put the 10'x5' bed together for me.  This helped me visualize where the beds will go in the yard.  I later went to Lowes and bought the boards for a 5'x5' herb garden.  It's a start!!!

First layer:  Cardboard.  Put it right on top of the grass. I know! It goes against everything we've done in the past.  The cardboard smothers everything growing under it.

Next, layers of newpaper.  Don't use the glossy advertisements.

Then off to the back yard for our lovely decomposed, shredded leaves and compost from the bin that has been collecting since last August.   

 Then our final layer for the season- peat moss. 

My Lasagna Bed Advisors tell me I'm now ready to plant.  I'm sure the experts will cringe when they see my beds but it is what it is for this season.  Updates to be posted.

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