Friday, September 7, 2007

It's Show & Tell Friday at Kelli's blog.
I wanted to show you what is on my refrigerator. Exciting huh!! The refrigerator was bare at one time, due to my Fly Lady influences. But now I have two items on it- my Pampered Chef kitchen timer and a pair of Kitchen Aid kitchen shears. My sisters-in-law gave me these kitchen shears for my birthday and I love them! Since the holder is magnetically attached to the refrigerator, there is no question where the shears are when you need them. And, there is no question where you put them when you are done using them.


  1. Well thats a very useful and practical show and tell and I like that you made use of a lovely gift.

    Your blog when I visit is always so interesting it is nice to be here today ~ our Friday is over but yours is just beginning.

    Lee-ann ~ Australia

  2. What a great idea. I need to get back to flylady... good reminder to me!!

  3. I've never seen the shears like that. I always have a pair of shears in the front of my silverwear drawer. Seems I use them constantly.

  4. My kind of organization where you don't have to ask and you don't have to tell!!

  5. I have never seen shears like that, either. What a great idea!

  6. I have an older version of the Pampered Chef shears that I have had for many years. Only I don't display mine, I HIDE THEM!!! I don't let my 3 sons touch them. They have ruined more scissors cutting things that were never meant to be cut, or lost them in the garage.

    You are very brave. Or perhaps you have trained your daughters better :)

  7. I'm sure your shears come in handy all of the time. Every time I'm searching in the drawer for a pair of scissors they're nowhere to be found. :)
    Mrs. C

  8. Now that's something I needed when my boys were still at home...they were forever taking the shears and never put them back where they belonged! lol

  9. Hi, fellow flybaby! Love the shears. I keep a flashlight magnetically attached to the side of my fridge so we can find it during a power outtage.

  10. I am always losing scissors. That is a great idea. Country Roads had the idea og attatching her sewing scissors to her sewing machine. Never will lose scissors again will we ?? !!!


  11. Handy gadgets, I haven't seen those before.

