Last weekend was perfect with 70 degree weather and lots of blue sky and sunshine! With 3 girls away on a youth retreat, there was just 3 of us left to enjoy the Saturday together.
We took a walk to Trenton Falls. I have seen a number paintings of Trenton Falls from the 1800's. It was a popular site for the artists known to be of the Hudson Valley School. So, I was very excited to visit this site that is open only a few times a year.

Still, it was worth the walk on such a glorious day and I just had to imagine the grandeur of the place 100 years ago.

It was a fossil finding day.
Walking through the woods in the afternoon was a welcome relief from the morning's chore- cleaning under a 9-year-old's bed! You accumulate a lot of materials when you are a princess, a Jedi knight, an undercover agent and the mother of many dolls and stuffed animals.
beautiful pics