Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Poem by John Newton

Our pastor read this poem in church today while preaching on the subject of patience.

Prayer Answered by Crosses
By John Newton

I ask'd the Lord, that I might grow
In faith, and love, and ev'ry grace,
Might more of his salvation know,
And seek more earnestly his face.'

Twas he who taught me thus to pray
And he, I trust has answer'd pray'r;
But it has been in such a way,
As almost drove me to despair.
I hop'd that in some favour'd hour,
At once he'd answer my request:
And by his love's constraining pow'r,
Subdue my sins, and give me rest.

Instead of this. he made me feel
The hidden evils of my heart;
And let the angry pow'rs of hell
Assault my soul in ev'ry part.

Yea more, with his own hand he seem'd
Intent to aggravate my woe;
Cross'd all the fair designs I schem'd,
Blasted my gourds, and laid me low.

Lord, why is this, I trembling cry'd,
Wilt thou pursue thy worm to death?
"'Tis in this way," the Lord reply'd,
I answer pray'r for grace and faith."

These inward trials I employ,
"From self and pride to set thee free;
"And break thy schemes of earthly joy,
"That thou mayst seek thy all in me."

Birthday Roses

Pure Gold

Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
and the other gold

My daughters and I had the privilege this weekend to attend a ladies' retreat at our old church in New Jersey. For me, it is like going back to home base. It was two days of friends, fellowship and the faithful preaching of God's Word.

Our friend, Pastor Brackett, spoke on "A Mother In Israel," taken from Judges 5:7, the Song of Deborah. One of the many points: Deborah, an example of gracious femininity. We all went away greatly challenged.
My only regret was that I spent so much time fellowshipping, I forgot to take pictures. Not to mention that my camera was on the wrong setting and the pictures I did take came out blurry. God willing, I can give it another try next year.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

4-H, Bread and Bagels

In 4-H, we had the privilege of being introduced to a new whole wheat bread recipe. But best of all, we learned the skill of bagel making. Deborah, a bread and bagel master, graciously shared her knowledge with us. Caroline used her new-found bagel making talent to bake cinnamon and raisin bagels for Saturday breakfast. Delicious!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Laughing at Ourselves

Some of us think we have found the answers. Some of us think we have found part of the answers. Some of us are searching for answers. Some of us have not yet figured out the questions.

I got a chuckle today when I remembered this quote I heard when I first began homeschooling. I wish I could remember who said it to me. With my oldest graduating soon and going off into new directions, I feel I am back at the beginning again, figuring out the questions and then wading through all of the answers!

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Spoof on the California Ruling Against Homeschooling

From: The Spoof
Sacramento, California - A three-judge panel from the 2nd District Court of Appeals made it illegal on February 28 for any parent to home school their child, unless they have a teaching or tutor credential. Upon hearing the ruling, school districts officials began demanding that police take immediate action. So yesterday, throughout the state, judges secretly began swearing out and signing arrest warrants for any parent who was suspected of home-schooling their children without a teaching credential.

Setting up a special task force virtually overnight, SWAT teams and truant officers armed with arrest warrants and automatic weapons began rounding up wayward parents, and against their will placing their child in protective custody and enrolling them in public schools throughout the state. Originally thought to be a logistical nightmare, distinguishing home-schooled children from that of the public school system, officials quickly learned they could gather up a list of suspects from last year's contestants, finalists and winners of the National Spelling Bee Contest, unusually high SAT scores and any kid who passed a random drug screen and/or pregnancy test."Also, we followed home any polite, courteous or well adjusted child," said Dug Martinez, SWAT Commander. "Oh, and any kid we caught actually doing their homework at the library."

In the early morning predawn darkness, SWAT teams and truant officers began their statewide sweep, crashing down the front doors in quiet peaceful suburban neighborhoods, but mostly in rural areas. "After the California Superior Court medical marijuana ruling, the three-judge panel of the 2ND District Court of Appeals had to do something to try to restore the proper checks and balances to the political system that has been inadvertently eroded by that ruling," said a political scientist. "So they did what anyone would do in their situation, they pointed the finger at a minority group to draw away public attention from themselves." "Also, they must have thought the ruling against home-schooling would bring in badly needed federal education dollars to the public schools for the upcoming recession, securing the liberal vote for the elected incumbency from the teachers' union," said a legal analyst from the Cassandra Institute Foresight School of Law "

Overall, we netted a pretty good raid," said Officer Martinez. "We arrested the parents. Put the kids in protective custody and enrolled them in public school. We confiscated a whole bunch of high quality, up to date learning materials, too."Listed among the home-schooling educational material seized by police: copies of "Plato's Republic; The Prince; The Magna Carta; The Federalist Papers; The Declaration of Independence; The Constitution and The Bill of Rights." "You know until today's raid, I never even bothered reading this stuff myself. Let alone read it to my kids," said Officer Martinez. "I just found out we've alienated these good people out of at least three of their inalienable rights. Now, that ain't right." The home-schooling learning materials will be held in the evidence locker to be used at trial, unless a plea bargain is reached, then they will be properly disposed with, according to Officer Martinez.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Devotional for Fellow List Makers

Author: Elisabeth Elliot
Thy List Be Done
I am a list-maker. Every day I make a list of what I must do. I have an engagement calendar and an engagement book. I have a grocery list on the wall beside the refrigerator, last year's Christmas list in this year's engagement book (so I won't duplicate gifts), a master list for packing my suitcase (so I won't forget anything), a prayer list (a daily one and a special one for each day of the week), and several others.
Recently a wholly unexpected minor operation badly interrupted my list of things to be done that week. But because God is my sovereign Lord, I was not worried. He manages perfectly, day and night, year in and year out, the movements of the stars, the wheeling of the planets, the staggering coordination of events that goes on on the molecular level in order to hold things together. There is no doubt that he can manage the timing of my days and weeks. So I can pray in confidence, Thy list, not mine, be done.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

C.S. Lewis Quote

There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, "All right, then, have it your way."

Sunday, April 6, 2008

She Turned 18!

My lovely first-born turned 18. Happy birthday Carissa.

My big fat Greek birthday dinner and the debut of Carissa's china.

Deal of the Week

Our local Hallmark store has 90% off Christmas merchandise. I decided that peppermint hot chocolate is still a tasty treat in April. When I opened up the package I found that it was not powdered hot chocolate but real pieces of high quality chocolate and peppermint. It was good enough to eat right out of the can! Instead of paying the original price of $12/can, I payed $1.20. Then of course I went back and bought 4 more cans.Carissa got a chocolate, peppermint cheesecake for her birthday. A successful experiment.

Friday, April 4, 2008


My birthday is at the end of the month but that is no excuse for sending me an application and temporary membership card for AARP! I am getting closer to membership benefits but there is no need to hurry things. My husband will get there first and that will allow me some time to get used to the whole idea. I would much rather receive a AAA discount for now, thank you.

4-H and Cheesecake

We had a great 4-H activity learning how to make cheesecakes. Our friend, Norma, is a cheesecake expert.

So many sizes. So many flavors. Sooooo good! There is a cheesecake in the oven right now, baking for Carissa's birthday.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Heart of Home

Lord, let our house be something more

Than just a shelter with a door;

May its windows glow with light,

Shedding radiance through the night.

Not just glitter of glass and chrome,

But give it the "feel" of a happy home.

Let it have flowers, a well-loved book,

Soft cushions in a quiet nook.

May it be more than downy bed,

or snowy cloth with silver spread;

Lend it some smiles, warm sympathy,

With kindly thought, true charity-

That all may recall, though far they roam,

That God was there- in the heart of home